Ubrzajte svoju karijeru

Implementacija SAFe® (SPC)


26 - 29. veljače, online

Certificirajte se s nama!

Alex SAFe 6 (3) (1)

by Scaled Agile Inc., hosted by veniture


Sudjelujte na našem 4-dnevnom workshopu 

Zaronite dublje u Scaled Agile Framework! Naša interaktivna edukacija Implementing SAFe®, koja uključuje praktične vježbe i jedinstven pristup bez slajdova, savršena je prilika. Postanite s nama certificirani SAFe® Practice Consultant (SPC).


Što sadrži naša SPC edukacija?

Što dobivate na našoj edukaciji?

  • 4-dnevna edukacija, s iskusnim, službenim Scaled Agile trenerom

  • službenu certifikaciju i članstvo u SAFe® Community Platform

  • naučit ćete planirati SAFe® implementacije i dizajnirati planove transformacije

  • naučit ćete implementirati Agile Release Trains (ARTs)

  • zatim možete podržati svoju organizaciju kroz prakse upravljanja promjenama tijekom transformacije

Tko bi trebao sudjelovati?

  • Interni agenti promjena, Lean-Agile centri izvrsnosti (LACE), agilne radne grupe

  • poslovni i tehnički lideri

  • Voditelji procesa upravljanja životnim ciklusom

  • Arhitekti organizacije, sustava i rješenja

  • Voditelji portfelja, programa i projekata

  • Voditelji proizvoda i linija proizvoda

Certificirajte se!

26 - 29. veljače

Jezik: Engleski

Glavni trener: Rune Christensen, Scaled Agile Inc.
Trener: Alexander Post, veniture


Cijena: $3.495 USD

plus PDV



Prijavite se odmah!

Nakon što ispunite obrazac, poslat ćemo vam račun i sve daljnje informacije.

Ograničen broj ulaznica!


Early Bird karta (dostupno do 26. siječnja): $200 USD popust

Grupni popust 3 sudionika: 5 %
Grupni popust 5 sudionika: 7,5 %

Popust za partnere:
Gold Partner - 20%
Silver Partner - 15%
Bronze Partner -10%

Do you need some reasons to join the training?

Look through the 6 most important facts of how you will benefit from our training.
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Why you should get certified as SPC

Course attendees who successfully complete the associated exam will earn SAFe® Program Consultant (SPC) training and certification. Through this certification, you will understand how to lead agile transformation in your organization. You will learn how to successfully drive a SAFe® transformation in the enterprise as a Lean-Agile change agent, release train engineer, or consultant by effectively leveraging the principles and practices of the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®).

The Certificate will also allow you to host SAFe® classes yourself. Fast-track your SAFe® adaption and showcase your value as an Agile Coach by training others. A certified SPC in good standing can teach more than a dozens different courses. SPCs can also coach and co-teach Implementing SAFe® courses with the approval of the co-trainer. If you decide to further pursue your learning journey and become a certified SPCT or iSPCT, you can train other SPCs. 

  • 4 days of training in Istanbul in person*. 
  • A skilled trainer from Scaled Agile with extensive international experience in SAFe® implementations
  • Fees and registration for the SAFe® 6 Program Consultant (SPC) exam
  • One year of SAFe® Community Platform membership
  • Certificate of completion of the course (Students must attend the 4 days of the course to be able to take the exam)
  • Plan a SAFe® implementation
  • Design the transformation roadmap
  • Launch and support Agile Release Trains (ARTs)
  • Support the organization through change management practices
  • Support the transformation within the organization through training and coaching
  • Professional service consultants
  • Internal change agents, Lean-Agile Center of Excellence (LACE), agile working groups
  • Business and technology executives
  • Process owners and lifecycle governance personnel
  • Organization, system and solution architects
  • Portfolio-, program- and project managers
  • Development, QA and IT management
  • Product and product line managers
workshop training icon

Leading SAFe®

Days 1-2

  • Thriving in the digital age with business agility

  • Becoming a Lean-Agile leader

  • Establishing Team and Technical Agility

  • Building solutions with Agile Product Delivery

  • Exploring Lean Portfolio Management

  • Leading the change

workshop illustration2

Implementing SAFe®

Days 3-4

  • Reaching the tipping point
  • Designing the implementation
  • Launching an Agile Release Train
  • Coaching ART Execution
  • Extending to the portfolio
  • Accelerating to business agility
  • Becoming an SPC

Upoznajte svoje trenere

Naši certificirani treneri vodit će vas kroz proces certifikacije

Alex von veniture

Alexander Post

Trener (veniture)

Alex je suosnivač tvrtke veniture i strastveni stručnjak za Atlassian s izvanrednim znanjem o Atlassian alatima. On uglavnom savjetuje naše poslovne klijente iz raznih industrija i upravlja velikim Atlassian projektima.​


Rune Christensen

Glavni trener (Scaled Agile Inc.)

Rune Christensen je SAFe Practice Consultant-T (SPCT). S više od 20 godina iskustva u softveru i kibernetičko-fizičkim rješenjima u raznim industrijama i domenama, strastveno želi isporučiti vrijednost klijentima i omogućiti stalna poboljšanja i inovacije. Također ima veliko iskustvo u radu s distribuiranim i multikulturalnim timovima izvan geografskih granica.

Do you need some reasons to join the training? 


Click through the 5 most important facts of how you will benefit from our training!



Already convinced?

Sign up today!

Želite unijeti agilnost u svoje timove?

Ne samo da nudimo SAFe® certifikaciju, već također pružamo podršku u implementaciji SAFe® unutar vaše organizacije. Naš tim stručnjaka specijalizirao se za dizajniranje prilagođenih rješenja za vašu agilnu transformaciju koristeći vrhunske alate kao što je Jira Align, idealan softver za implementaciju Scaled Agile Framework.

Jira Align savršen je Atlassian alat za implementaciju Scaled Agile Frameworka. Povezuje razvoj proizvoda s poslovnim rezultatima bez prekidanja agilnih timskih radnih procesa

Razgovarajmo o tome kako možemo poboljšati agilnost vaših timova!


Kontaktirajte nas!        Više o SAFe i Jira Align


Alex (1)

Rado ćemo vas savjetovati besplatno i bez obaveze. Obratite se našim stručnjacima i vidjet ćemo što možemo učiniti.