
Better Software Delivery with Atlassian's Developer Experience Platform

    Make Life Easier for Your Developers

    DevOps processes are complicated, involving numerous frameworks, distributed teams, and more. This leads to delayed software delivery and security risks - but that ends now! Compass provides you with centralized access to services, DevOps infrastructure, and toolchain. This allows developers to focus on what's important: developing outstanding software.

    Let's talk!

    logo atlassian compass

    What Compass Can Do

    Compass offers nearly unlimited flexibility, providing the optimal environment for your development teams.

    Component Catalog

    The catalog helps keep track of all deployed software components. What do the components look like? Which APIs do they contain, and how are they related to each other? You can find all this directly in the catalog.

    Atlassian Compass - Components

    Status & Scorecards

    Keep an eye on the current status of your software development. With security and health scorecards, you keep track of your software's performance metrics.

    Atlassian Compass - Scorecards

    Extendable with Apps

    You can easily customize the development environment in Compass to meet your requirements. Numerous apps, which you can easily integrate into Compass, assist you with this.

    Atlassian Compass - Apps

    Why Use Compass?

    Need more reasons to try out Compass? The benefits of Compass at a glance:

    Simple Tracking

    Track your software delivery using scorecards and metrics.

    Everything Connected

    Connect your existing internal and external tools.


    Accelerate and standardize component creation with customizable templates.

    More Solutions from Atlassian

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      Improve your DevOps quality with Compass. We're here to help.

      With Compass, you avoid delayed software delivery and security risks. Instead, you pave the way for more efficiency and security. Contact us for a consultation and discover how we can help your team.


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      Alexander Post

      Principal Solutions Advocate


      For questions about our services and Atlassian products, our expert teams are happy to help. We look forward to speaking with you!