Invoice in Euro
With us you can easily pay for your Atlassian licenses in Euro (or another preferred currency USD, TRY, AED) and buy them on invoice. This way you do not need a credit card.
We provide you with a tailored license management solution for your Atlassian products. Whether you're looking to acquire your initial Atlassian licenses or want to expand, renew, or optimize your existing licenses, our experts are here for you!
With us you can easily pay for your Atlassian licenses in Euro (or another preferred currency USD, TRY, AED) and buy them on invoice. This way you do not need a credit card.
We keep track of your license expiration dates and remind you of renewals. We're also happy to assist in consolidating your licenses and adjusting their durations.
We offer you comprehensive, personal support in several languages and consulting services for your Atlassian products.
We analyze your existing licenses and provide guidance on managing your licenses and apps to reduce your costs. When making a purchase, we find the best licensing offers for you.
We carefully analyze your current situation and find the right licensing solution for your needs. Further we accompany you on your way to the Atlassian Cloud.
We inform you about product and price changes. In addition, we check whether you are using your Atlassian tools optimally and can give you valuable tips on tool usage.
Die Preisgestaltung der Lizenzen zur Nutzung von Atlassian Produkten richtet sich einfach und fair nach der Anzahl der Nutzer. Unabhängig davon, ob Du mit Deinen Atlassian Produkten über eine Cloud Lösung arbeiten oder eine On-Premise-Lösung in Anspruch nehmen möchtest, wir finden die richtige Lizenzlösung für Deine Anforderungen.
Getreu unseres Full-Service-Consulting-Ansatzes, erhältst Du von uns, der venITure GmbH, eine Rechnung zum vereinbarten Zahlungsziel, selbstverständlich mit ausgewiesener Mehrwertsteuer, in Euro und nach deutschem Recht. Keine Kreditkartenkosten, keine Kurswechselrisiken oder Fremdwährungsgebühren.
Selbstverständlich behalten wir Deine Lizenzzeiträume und Ablaufdaten im Überblick und erinnern Dich rechtzeitig über anstehende Verlängerungen. Dabei finden wir für Dich immer die preisgünstigste Variante für Deine Bedürfnisse. Mit unserer Lizenzverwaltung aus einer Hand behältst Du auch Deine Kosten im Blick. Die laufenden und zukünftigen Lizenzkosten zeigen wir Dir jederzeit transparent auf.
Du hast Lizenzen für Jira Core und Jira Software? Dazu noch unzählige Apps? Wir analysieren und beraten Dich fortlaufend welche Software und Apps Du wirklich benötigst oder ob Du Apps zusammenlegen kannst, um damit Deine Lizenzkosten zu senken.
Der Atlassian-Support bietet zwar schnelle und kompetente Hilfe an, allerdings nur via E-Mail oder über eine öffentlich zugängliche Jira-Instanz. Das führt dazu, dass Du Probleme und Fehler häufig zeitaufwändig reproduzieren musst. Unser venITure Support hingegen erfolgt direkt und persönlich. So können wir Probleme unmittelbar beheben und Dir zu jeder Zeit weiterhelfen!
The prices for Atlassian products are based on the number of users and whether you choose the Cloud, Server, or Data Center variant. Feel free to reach out to us so we can provide more detailed guidance on this.
Atlassian Cloud: A hosted solution where Atlassian handles maintenance and users access applications through a web browser.
Atlassian Server: The software is installed and maintained on customer servers, offering more control but requiring manual updates. Server licenses are no longer available for purchase from Atlassian, and their support will end in 2024. Learn more about the Server end of life here.
Atlassian Data Center: An advanced server solution focused on scalability and high availability through clustering and load balancing. We've compared Data Center and Cloud for you.
Our license consultation process involves understanding your organization's needs, usage patterns, and goals. We assess your current license status and requirements, and then provide tailored recommendations for the most suitable Atlassian license variant (Cloud or Data Center). Our experts guide you through the options, considering factors such as user numbers, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.
License consultation is suitable for both (potential) new Atlassian customers who have not yet purchased Atlassian licenses and existing customers. For the latter, we optimize existing licenses and provide support with license renewals.
There are different licensing models. For the Cloud variant, products are subscribed to on a monthly or yearly basis. This provides the advantage of staying up-to-date and having access to support. Licenses for Data Center are annually licensed and renewed, just like Server licenses. Both need to be renewed annually to ensure continued support.
If you have further inquiries or would like to seek consultation regarding your new or existing Atlassian licenses, please feel free to reach out to us!
Atlassian Expert & CEO
Contact our experts and we will get back to you as soon as possible.