Server support will be discontinued on February 15, 2024 - Switch to Cloud or Data Center now!


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time - end of server

What changes for Server customers?

End of Server Support Timeline EN

As of February 15, 2024, there will be significant changes for Server customers. The main change is that Atlassian will discontinue support for Server products, which means that they will no longer provide updates, bug fixes, or security patches for these products. The absence of regular security updates leaves your company vulnerable to cyberattacks, viruses, spyware, and more. Additionally, it could lead to potential non-compliance with future requirements.

This decision by Atlassian is part of their shift towards cloud-based solutions and Data Center offerings. As a result, they encourage Server customers to consider migrating their applications to either Atlassian Cloud or Data Center options.

As a Server customer, you can continue to work normally until February 2024. By that time, you should consider migrating to the cloud or data center. We're here to support you throughout the transition!

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At veniture, we turn your Atlassian challenges into successful stories. As an award-winning Atlassian partner, we provide comprehensive service packages with fixed pricing, designed from our extensive experience and industry best practices. Our promise to you? A smoothly operating Atlassian site, aligned to your specific business needs, and a partnership that evolves with your business.

Alex (1)

Principal Solutions Advocate

End-of-Server: What options are available to you?

Get advice from our experts on migrating from Server to Data Center or Cloud. Together, we'll find the right solution for your needs.

Schedule an appointment!



Our recommendation: Cloud Migration

Atlassian's Cloud offers more security, accelerates innovations, is easier to manage, cost-effective, and location-independent. With our fixed-price packages, you can migrate to the Cloud affordably, effortlessly, and quickly.

Core Package

Migrate to the cloud affordably

4,690 €

Perfect or less complex on-premise instances with a simple migration.


  Migration of any number of users.

  Guided migration of Atlassian Admin to use Cloud Migration Assistant

 Assessment Meeting

All-in Package

The complete package for cloud migrations

from 10,000 €

Our experts will take care of the complex implementation for you!


  Class A and B apps

  Instance analysis 

  Test migration 

  Productive migration

 User management adoption 

and much more...

*Auf Basis unseres Know-hows haben wir eine Klassifizierung für Apps nach Migrations-Komplexität entwickelt (Die Komplexität steigt von A nach C an).

Visualize Your Ideas

Gliffy is the app when it comes to easily visualizing processes and structures. No matter what you decide, Gliffy is available to you both in the Cloud and in the Data Center. If you are transitioning to the Cloud, you can seamlessly migrate Gliffy along with your data.

Wondering how Gliffy differs in Cloud and Data Center? We've got something for you!

Download the comparison now!

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Schedule a consultation for your journey to Atlassian Cloud!




Alexander Post

Principal Solutions Advocate

Contact our experts and we will get back to you as soon as possible.